En la India, en 1886 un chico con un talento de tocar el tambor hindu, la tabla, dejo el campo por la ciudad.
Vivio una pretension de estirpe real y se caso en una familia maharaja.
Al mismo tiempo, un joven gales habia aterrizado en la India con su guitarra y tambien vivio una vida pretension por encima de su estacion.
Del mismo modo se caso en una familia maharaja.
Por los dos, esta fue un tiempo corta y en 1889 se descubrieron sus origenes verdaderos.
Los dos se encontraron en el mismo barco destinado por Gran Bretana. En este barco se conocieron, y escribio una cancion juntos.
Esta cancion se llama el Blues Maharaja y asi es como nacio el Maharaja Blues.
El Verdad
Maharaja Blues es la culminacion de la corriente de tres rios talentosos, Richard, Jonathan y Satinder
ya que se funden con el gran Mississippi, fusionando el sonido de la tabla
superando con el blues de diapositivas de euforia y el fuego de la armonica.
Durante el ano 2011 el duo comenzo a actuar con mas frecuencia juntos y su sonido fue muy recibido.
Lanzaron un EP. Este EP conmemora y celebra el distintivo sonido producido
por la combinacion de ritmo y armonia de la pareja, y tambien los buenos tiempos tuvieron durante este epoca.
En 2014 Jonathan se convirtio en el tercer afluente a fluir en el agua blues de este rio musical.
Richard Staines nacio en el Sur de Gales.
Ha participado activamente en todo tipo de musica desde una edad temprana.
Ha vivido y actuado en muchos paises, aunque se ha basado principalmente en Londres y, mas recientemente, de Cardiff.
En los ultimos anos su amor por el blues ha florecido y sus habilidades en la guitarra slide han mejorado y mejorado.
El disfruta a fondo la composicion de canciones, los arreglos y la composicion.
Satinder Grewal, habiendo comenzo a tocar tabla a la edad de 9,
continuo con la pasion por el instrumento de percusion hindus a lo largo de sus primeros anos.
Recientemente ha vuelto a descubrir su afinidad por la tabla y ha estado tocando en los conciertos alrededor de Londres,
creando una base de fans respetable.
Ha pasado de colaborar con musicos tradicionales de la India, tocando instrumentos como sarangi, a los instrumentos de estilo occidental
- en particular la guitarra.
A traves de horas de practica aun concentrada agradable, ha perfeccionado sus habilidades tecnicas, que le ha permitido formar la mitad de Maharaja Blues.
Jonathan Browning, nacido y criado en los valles del sur de Gales,
respira fuego a traves de su armonica agregando un sabor especial a los Maharaja Blues.
El combina folk, rock y tecnicas de blues para crear su propio estilo distincto.
Enamorado por la versatilidad de su instrumento, que, naturalmente, se alimenta de las sentimientos de las otras maharajas.
Para hacer un reservacion, manda nos un email maharajablues
Yn India ym 1886 dyn ifanc gyda sgiliau i ganu tabla, gadawodd e y wlad ar gyfer y ddinas.
Roedd e'n byw fel tywysog brenhinol a priododd e i mewn teulu maharaja.
Ar yr un pryd, roedd cymro ifanc wedi glanio yn India gyda eu gitar e ac hefyd roedd e'n byw fel
tywysog brenhinol. Yn yr un modd, priododd e i mewn teulu maharaja.
Am y ddau, roedd hi ddim yn parhau am amser hir ac ym 1889 darganfuwyd eu cefndirau gwir nhw.
Mae'r ddau cael eu hunain ar yr un cwch mynd i Brydain Fawr.
Cwrddon nhw ar y cwch hwn, ac ysgrifennon nhw can gyda'n gilydd.
Mae hyn yn gan oedd y Maharaja Blues ac yn y modd hwn, daeth i fod y Maharaja Blues.
Y Gwirionedd
Mae Maharaja Blues yn benllanw y llif o dair afon talentog,
Richard, Jonathan a Satinder wrth iddynt uno a'r Mississippi mawr,
ffiwsio sain y tabla guro gyda'r blues sleid orfoleddus a'r tan y harmonica.
Yn ystod 2011 dechreuodd y ddeuawd i berfformio yn amlach at ei gilydd a derbyniwyd eu sain yn fawr.
Rhyddhon nhw EP.
Mae hyn yn EP coffau ac yn dathlu y sain unigryw a gynhyrchir gan y cyfuniad o rhythm a harmoni y ddeuawd, yn ogystal a'r amseroedd da yn ystod y cyfnod hwn.
Yn 2014 daeth Jonathan y trydydd llednant i lifo i mewn i'r d?r blues afon cerddorol hwn.
Roedd Richard Staines eni yn Ne Cymru. Mae wedi bod yn chwarae rhan weithredol mewn pob math o gerddoriaeth o oedran ifanc.
Mae wedi byw a pherfformio mewn nifer o wledydd er bod wedi bod yn seiliedig yn bennaf yn Llundain ac yn fwy diweddar yng Nghaerdydd.
Yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf ei gariad at y blues wedi blodeuo ac mae ei sgiliau ar y gitar sleid wedi mynd o nerth i nerth.
Roedd yn drylwyr mwynhau ysgrifennu caneuon, trefnu, a chyfansoddi.
Satinder Grewal, ar ol dechrau chwarae tabla yn oed o 9, parhaodd a'r brwdfrydedd dros yr offeryn taro Indiaidd
drwy gydol ei blynyddoedd cynnar. Yn ddiweddar ailddarganfod ei affinedd ar gyfer yr tabla ac wedi bod yn chwarae mewn gigs o gwmpas Llundain,
creu parchus ffan-sylfaen. Mae wedi pontio o gydweithio gyda cherddorion Indiaidd traddodiadol chwarae offerynnau
megis sarangi, i offerynnau arddull gorllewinol - yn enwedig y gitar. Trwy oriau o ymarfer eto canolbwyntio pleserus,
mae wedi hogi ei alluoedd technegol sydd wedi caniatau iddo fod yn rhan o'r Maharaja Blues.
Jonathan Browning, ei eni a'i fagu yng nghymoedd De Cymru,
anadlu tan trwy ei harmonica ychwanegu sbeis ychwanegol i'r Maharaja Blues.
Mae'n cyfuno gwerin, roc a blues thechnegau i greu ei steil unigryw ei hun.
Rhy hoff gan amlbwrpasedd ei offeryn, mae'n naturiol yn bwydo oddi ar y vibes y Maharajas eraill.
In India in 1886 a young man with tabla playing skills left the countryside for the city. He lived a pretense of royal stock and married into a maharaja family.
At the sametime a young welshman had landed in India with his guitar and also lived a pretense life above his station. Likewise he married into a maharaja family.
For both this was short lived and in 1889 their true backgrounds were discovered. Both found themselves on the same boat heading to Great Britain. On this boat they met, and wrote a song together.
This song was the Maharaja Blues and this is how the Maharaja Blues was born.
El Verdad
Maharaja Blues is the culmination of the flow of three talented rivers, Richard, Jonathan and Satinder as they merge with the great Mississippi,
fusing the sound of the beating tabla with the euphoric slide blues and the fire of the harmonica. During 2011 the duo started to perform more frequently together and their sound was greatly received.
They released an EP. This EP commemorates and celebrates the distinctive sound produced by the combination of the duo's rhythm and harmony,
as well as the good times had during this period. In 2014 Jonathan became the third tributary to flow into the blues water of this musical river.
Richard Staines was born in South Wales. He has been actively involved in all sorts of music from a young age.
He has lived and performed in many countries though has been mainly based in London and more recently Cardiff.
In recent years his love of the blues has blossomed and his skills on slide guitar have gone from strength to strength.
He thoroughly enjoys song-writing, arranging, and composing.
Satinder Grewal, having started playing tabla at the age of 9, continued with the passion for the Indian percussion instrument
throughout his early years. He recently rediscovered his affinity for the tabla and has been playing at gigs around London,
creating a respectable fan-base. He has transitioned from collaborating with traditional Indian musicians playing instruments
such as sarangi, to western style instruments - notably the guitar. Through hours of enjoyable yet concentrated practise,
he has honed his technical abilities which has allowed him to form half of the Maharaja Blues.
Jonathan Browning, born and raised in the valleys of South Wales,
breathes fire through his harmonica adding extra spice to the Maharaja Blues.
He combines folk, rock and blues techniques to create his own distinctive style.
Enamoured by the versatility of his instrument, he naturally feeds off the vibes of the other maharajas.
For bookings please email maharajablues or contact us on facebook
In India in 1886 a young man with tabla playing skills left the countryside for the city. He lived a pretense of royal stock and married into a maharaja family.
At the sametime a young welshman had landed in India with his guitar and also lived a pretense life above his station. Likewise he married into a maharaja family.
For both this was short lived and in 1889 their true backgrounds were discovered. Both found themselves on the same boat heading to Great Britain. On this boat they met, and wrote a song together.
This song was the Maharaja Blues and this is how the Maharaja Blues was born.
The Fact
Maharaja Blues is the culmination of the flow of three talented rivers, Richard, Jonathan and Satinder as they merge with the great Mississippi,
fusing the sound of the beating tabla with the euphoric slide blues and the fire of the harmonica. During 2011 the duo started to perform more frequently together and their sound was greatly received.
They released an EP. This EP commemorates and celebrates the distinctive sound produced by the combination of the duo's rhythm and harmony,
as well as the good times had during this period. In 2014 Jonathan became the third tributary to flow into the blues water of this musical river.
Richard Staines was born in South Wales. He has been actively involved in all sorts of music from a young age.
He has lived and performed in many countries though has been mainly based in London and more recently Cardiff.
In recent years his love of the blues has blossomed and his skills on slide guitar have gone from strength to strength.
He thoroughly enjoys song-writing, arranging, and composing.
Satinder Grewal, having started playing tabla at the age of 9, continued with the passion for the Indian percussion instrument
throughout his early years. He recently rediscovered his affinity for the tabla and has been playing at gigs around London,
creating a respectable fan-base. He has transitioned from collaborating with traditional Indian musicians playing instruments
such as sarangi, to western style instruments - notably the guitar. Through hours of enjoyable yet concentrated practise,
he has honed his technical abilities which has allowed him to form half of the Maharaja Blues.
Jonathan Browning, born and raised in the valleys of South Wales,
breathes fire through his harmonica adding extra spice to the Maharaja Blues.
He combines folk, rock and blues techniques to create his own distinctive style.
Enamoured by the versatility of his instrument, he naturally feeds off the vibes of the other maharajas.
Regulars at: May, Devauden Festival
July, Caerleon Arts Festival
July, Coleford Festival
Sept/Oct, Leek Blues and Americana Festival
2018 March 2018, Browns Hotel, Laugharne (home of Dylan Thomas)
May 2018, Blues at the Barns Festival, Essex
May 2018, The Devauden Music Festival
Aug 2018, Radford Mill Blues Festival, nr Bath
2017 March 2017, Browns Hotel, Laugharne (home of Dylan Thomas)
April 2017, Brithdir Mawr, Pembrokeshire
May 2017, The Devauden Music Festival
Sept 2017, Southerndown Parti Pentre
Sept 2017, An Indian Summer, Leicester
Sept 2017, Leek Blues and Americana Festival, Staffs (2 gigs)
Nov/Dec 2017, The Library Pub, Islington
2016 May 2016, The Devauden Music Festival
June 2016, The Leamington Peace Festival
July 2016, The Maindee Festival, Newport
July 2016, Rhythms of the World Festival, Hitchin, Herts
July 2016, Maryport Blues Festival, Cumbria (2 gigs)
Aug 2016, AberJazz Festival, Fishguard
Sept 2016, 2 gigs at Newark Blues Festival, Notts (2 gigs)
Sept 2016, Southerndown Parti Pentre
2015 May 2015, Wild Boar Blues Festival, Green Valley, Wales.
June 2015, Wales Millenium Centre, Cardiff Bay
June 2015, Rhythms of the World Festival, Hitchin, Herts
June 2015, An Indian Summer, Leicester
June 2015, ShireFest (Shirenewton)
Aug 2015, AberJazz Festival, Fishguard
Oct 2015, Leek Blues Festival, Staffs
2014 May 2014, The Devauden Music Festival
June 2014, The Beacon Festival, Oxfordshire
July 2014, Browns Hotel, Laugharne (home of Dylan Thomas) - solo
Aug 2014, Rhythms of the World Festival, Hitchin, Herts
Oct 2014, Leek Blues Festival, Staffs
2013 Feb 2013, The 12 Bar Club, Denmark Street, London.
May 2013, The Devauden Music Festival
June 2013, ShireFest (Shirenewton)
July 2013, The RhythmTree Festival (World Music), Isle Of Wight
Aug 2013, Cardiff Hub Festival
Oct 2013, The Leek Blues Festival, Staffs
2012 May 2012, The Devauden Music Festival
Nov 2012, The Tenby Blues Festival